ApplePay API
Get Consumer Information
Provisioning API :
Description : This endpoint is used to retrieve the consumer information based on consumer id and issuer id.
A user who wishes to retrieve the information based on consumer id and issuer id combination mapped to debit card will start through VTS (VISA). Request will be triggered to Thales(D1). D1 will trigger a GET request to Mulesoft Get Consumer information endpoint. Mulesoft will map the request as per CMS and hit CMS API. Response about the transaction is sent from CMS to Mulesoft in real-time basis.
A response is sent back to the D1 immediately. If transaction fails due to any reason, a proper error is sent back to the API consuming channel to both REST using the error codes defined.
Mulesoft Request (Sample):
Mandatory Headers: x-correlation-id
URI Params: issuerId, consumerId
Query Params: NA
Content-type: application/json
Mulesoft Response (Sample):
Success Response: (200)
"language": "en-US",
"firstName": "KAMAL",
"lastName": "QANZOUA",
"dateOfBirth": "1996-12-14",
"mobilePhoneNumber": {
"countryCode": "+962",
"phoneNumber": "795383056"
"residencyAddress": {
"line1": "Jordan",
"zipCode": "11191",
"countryCode": "JO"
Allowed Values - Request:
Error Responses:
404, 500:
"error": โCard does not existโ
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